Let me be 100% honest here (with myself) ((From my late blog Magick and Prayer))

Published Post 
05/03/2020, 14:18 PM

Let me be 100% honest here (with myself)

I’m going to make statements here with no fear, no guilt, no sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I am not a Christian, I am not a Wiccan. Although I believe in many deities and the many as one, I don’t consider myself a Pagan

While the term Witch is pretty accurate with what I am, I am not comfortable using that word for myself. I am Magickal, I believe in Magick, I use Magick on a regular basis. I am gifted, I am Blessed. I am a Unique being. There isn’t really anyone else quite like me. I believe in Prayer, I believe there is strong power in Prayer. I myself believe that Magick and Prayer are one and the same. It involves Faith, Strength, and Heart. 

I believe in Jesus, the man and the Son. I believe that He was born of a virgin, that He died a tragic death, that He rose again and ascended to heaven. I believe that He is the Son of God. I do have a problem calling Him my Lord and Savior.   I place Him on even ground with other Deities, no more no less. I don’t feel a twinge of doubt in saying this. No fear of burning. No fear of being struck down. 

I don’t follow correspondence or planet alignment. I don’t do rituals by candle light. I don’t use tools for Magick. I believe in the power of my mind and my heart. Magick can be done anytime anywhere. 

When I see God in my mind’s eye, I see a Mother, a gentle comforter. Someone I can connect to emotionally. As of this very minute She does not have a name. She just is. I have absolutely no issue with a Father God, but I connect with the feminine. 

While I don’t speak of the specifics of my beliefs with really anyone, I feel that I live my beliefs day to day for all to see. I don’t belong to a cult, I don’t practice evil or black magick, I don’t try to recruit or convert. I refuse to tell anyone that what they truly believe is wrong. I will stand up for religious freedom. I have a strong moral compass. I believe in right and wrong. I strive to be the Ultimate Light, the Ultimate Good. I’ll never achieve it but it’s a daily goal. And I won’t stop trying. 

This is who I am. Light, Love, Kindness always,



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