
Update to my health

So this past Wednesday I had my stress test. My heart is in really good shape so that is wonderful, but my blood pressure is not behaving itself. By Wednesday afternoon it was 177/120, that’s pretty dangerous. That same afternoon a dr put me on medication and it has helped a bit. My BP is still up so I figure that my medication will be upped, but it’s much better than it has been.  I am one that doesn’t care much for medicine but I couldn’t wait to lower my blood pressure naturally. I’m not sure I’d have the time. So I praise God for the physicians and nurses that are looking out for me.  I’m really working on myself to assist in lowering the blood pressure so maybe one day I can be off medication. Thank you all for thinking of me and loving me.  Brandy. 

Lord, take this anger (James 1:19)

I have an anger issue. I have found myself filled top to bottom with anger. It seemed everything set me off and when it did I literally saw red. I could hear and feel the blood pounding in my head. My thoughts would be filled with violence and my mouth would release the worst words. Anger begat hate. And it was this anger and hate that lowered the curtain  on my relationship with Jesus. How could I love when I hated so much. Everything angered me, religion, politics, the world around me. This anger spread to those closest to me. I was either on constant offense or defense.l. I hurt a lot of feelings to those that I “loved” and I hated being this way. This wasn’t me. I am a happy, loving, joyful person. So instead of seeking Him, I set off to find happiness elsewhere.  Yes it seemed to soothe my soul and gave me happiness. But it still didn’t fill the void that only His Light could fill. So as most of you know, I gave my whole life over to Christ. He has helped me accept that He loves m

A quick note about what’s going on in my life

So this past week has been haywire and chaotic and those that know me best are probably saying, ok what else is new.  Well let me tell you. Late last week around 3am I was awakened by severe heartburn and stabbing chest pains. The pains lasting maybe 45 minutes. Not normal for me but not enough to really make me worried, but Sunday evening after I dropped my girls off at my mom’s I was heading back home. I was leaving Mallow when it felt that someone reached over and turned off the right side of my brain. Yes seriously the right side. My mind went completely blank, my vision went haywire and my automatic responses stopped. First thing I did was pray, Lord get me home. Lord get me home. I was terrified.  I was coming to a turn and I didn’t know if I could make it. I actually had to force my arms to turn. Thankfully I did make it home, but this state lasted for at least a half an hour. I stood around, unable to think clearly. My husband had to tell me everything I needed to do. It was aw

Magick 2 Prayer Revived. Why I did this...

Ok so I had a blog named Magick 2 Prayer, started in 2015. I kept it around for 5 years. It pretty much rode along on my ups and downs in my ping pong Christian this week/Pagan the next relationship. Everything I said in that blog was from my heart but I didn’t feel right about them. Something was off.  Then I had the blog Magick and Prayer, it was very very recent. That’s when I stated that I believed in Magick and Christ. You’ll find some of my blog posts in this new blog. I wanted them here to kind of show where my thought process started and the trail to where I am today.  I decided to delete both of those blogs and create this revived one as a new clean slate. Even though I originally “received Christ in my heart in 85 at the tender age of 5” I didn’t truly receive him with no strings attached until two weeks ago. I thought I gave Him my all before hand but if that was the case then why did I fall from Grace so many times and why did I keep finding myself looking back at my Pagan

My testimony 2020 The Year the Impossible Happened Luke 18:27 (from my late blog Magick and Prayer)

Published Post   06/22/2020, 12:11 PM My testimony 2020 The Year the Impossible Happened  In June/July 2018, I witnessed something that I thought would separate Jesus and I forever. I don’t want to get into that here but the gist is that I decided to cleave Christianity from my life forever. I didn’t want to belong to a Faith based on fear and what I felt was hate filled. I had no anger or hate for Jesus but to His people and His church. I was ready to be done with it forever.  Sometime in 2019 I still was struggling with finding my path in Spirituality. A dear friend of mine challenged me to leave both Christianity and Paganism alone. To not try and fit into a box, but to learn myself better and just chill out. So that’s what I did. I spent time reflecting on myself. Learning what I believed in and what I felt strongly about.  I sat quietly for a long time.  I waited for a patron deity to call to me like times before, but no one came to me. Well, no one that I was expecting. Jesus did

Update to my first entry (From my late blog Magick and Prayer)

Published Post   06/15/2020, 17:56 PM Update to my first entry So here’s what’s going on in my life right now. As I’ve stated before, Faith is not just a phrase I use to get attention or elevate myself. Faith is every fiber of my being. It is my reason for existence. It entails the direction of my life and every choice I make. It is the most important thing to me. I don’t take it lightly at all, and I guess that is why I stress over it so very much.  I’ve been sitting quietly for some time just meditating on where my path is headed and I’ve been without a patron/deity for a long time. I’ve been waiting on a name. Just to clarify, I don’t want to choose my god I want to be chosen. That is how I came to find Morrigan, Eris, and Selene. And I really expected another goddess to come into my life. I was not expecting this guy to come knocking, although I should not have been surprised.  A year or so ago I formally cut ties with the Christian Faith and I thought that would have been the end

Let me be 100% honest here (with myself) ((From my late blog Magick and Prayer))

Published Post   05/03/2020, 14:18 PM Let me be 100% honest here (with myself) I’m going to make statements here with no fear, no guilt, no sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I am not a Christian, I am not a Wiccan. Although I believe in many deities and the many as one, I don’t consider myself a Pagan While the term Witch is pretty accurate with what I am, I am not comfortable using that word for myself. I am Magickal, I believe in Magick, I use Magick on a regular basis. I am gifted, I am Blessed. I am a Unique being. There isn’t really anyone else quite like me. I believe in Prayer, I believe there is strong power in Prayer. I myself believe that Magick and Prayer are one and the same. It involves Faith, Strength, and Heart.  I believe in Jesus, the man and the Son. I believe that He was born of a virgin, that He died a tragic death, that He rose again and ascended to heaven. I believe that He is the Son of God. I do have a problem calling Him my Lord and Savior.   I place